Parts for Kubota V2403 INDIRECT injection
The order codes will be confirmed and verified by the seller, before placing the order or the actual purchase of the product.
Only the confirmed ones are in the seller's stock and can be delivered immediately.
- The set / a set, refers to / relates to 1 piston, never for the whole engine!
- Complete set: for example: * complete set of gaskets * refers to all seals needed to repair the engine
ATTENTION! - for this engine model the thickness of the segments differs and implicitly the pistons depending on how the rocker cover is attached (on the center with 4 studs,
or sideways around the lid). Provide this information for command!

Complete piston - composition:
piston / diameter = 87 mm
set segments / thickness 2, / 2/5 mm or
set segments / thickness 2.5 / 2/5 mm
piston bolt / diameter = 25 mm
bolt fuses x 2 pcs

Unmanned piston (without segment, bolt, sig.) :
piston diameter = 87 mm
channel thickness segments: 2/2/5 mm or
channel thickness segments: 2.5 / 2/5 mm
diameter for bolt = 25 mm

Segment set (3 pcs / piston)
fire segments = 2 or 2.5 mm
compression segment = 4 mm
lubrication segment = 5 mm
segment diameter = 87 mm
Complete piston order code:
STD version: KUB75173 side
STD version: KUB92330 center
R1 version:

Order code for connecting rod bearing set:
STD version: KUB75130
R1 version:
R2 version:

Front Shaft Bushing Command Code:
distribution bushing (front):

Order code for the complete set of gaskets:
contains all gaskets for rep.
STD thickness version:
R1 thickness version:
R2 thickness version:
Piston control code (without bolt):
STD version: KUB63092 side
STD version:
R1 version:

Bearing bearing set order code:
STD version: KUB66099
R1 version:
R2 version:

Rear shaft bushing control code:
steering wheel sleeve (rear):

Upper gasket set order code:
includes cylinder head gasket!
STD thickness version: KUB66106
R1 thickness version:
R2 thickness version:
Segment command code:
STD version: KUB66105
version R1: KUB66012
R2 version:

Axial bearing set order code:
STD version: KUB75821
R1 version:
R2 version:

Connecting rod order code:
STD version: KUB34785

Lower gasket set order code:
STD thickness version: KUB76657
R1 thickness version:
R2 thickness version:

Cylinder head gasket order code:
STD thickness version: KUB73887
R1 thickness version:
R2 thickness version:
Valve seal order code:
STD version:
Cylinder head command code:
unequipped cylinder head:
equipped cylinder head:

Shaft sealing order code:
from distribution (front)
from the steering wheel (rear)
Oil bulb order code:
STD version:

Solenoid command code:

Power pump control code:

Electric motor control code:

Alternator order code:

Bulb command code temp. :
STD version:

Water pump control code:
17 mounting holes
length = 330 mm

Connecting rod command code:
STD version

Spark plug control code inc. :
version L = 85 mm
fillet: M10
voltage = 11 V

Thermostat command code:
diam. 38 or 44 mm

Piston bolt command code:
version diam 25 mm